New Year, New Body: Contouring Surgery Goals for Women

New Year, New Body: Contouring Surgery Goals for Women

Dec 21, 2023

With a New Year fast approaching, you’re likely setting new year, new me goals,  and for many of us, that means it’s time to set some personal goals. Whether that’s hitting the gym more often, improving our mental health, or taking on a new hobby, there’s something so refreshing about starting fresh in January.

For some women, their New Year’s resolutions might involve body contouring surgery. Perhaps you’ve been considering breast augmentation, a breast lift, skin tightening surgery, liposuction, or a tummy tuck. Or, maybe you’ve never even thought about these procedures before, but you’re curious about what they entail and whether they might be right for you.

In this blog post, we’re going to explore each of these procedures in-depth, explaining what they involve, who they’re right for, and what kind of results you can expect. By the end of this post, you’ll have a better understanding of what body contouring surgery is all about and whether it’s something you might want to consider for your own New Year, New Body goals.

Breast augmentation:

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery that involves inserting implants into the breasts to increase their size and improve their shape. This procedure is ideal for women who are unhappy with the size or shape of their breasts. Perhaps you’ve always felt self-conscious about having small breasts, or maybe your breasts have lost volume and firmness due to pregnancy or weight loss.

The procedure involves making a small incision in the breast tissue and inserting a silicone or saline implant under the muscles in the chest. The surgery typically takes a few hours, and you’ll need to take some time off work to rest and recover.

Breast lift:

A breast lift, also known as a mastopexy, is a procedure that involves lifting and reshaping the breasts to improve their appearance. This is a great option for women who are happy with the size of their breasts but are concerned about sagging or drooping.

The procedure involves removing excess skin and tightening the breast tissue to give the breasts a more youthful, perky appearance. Recovery time is usually a few weeks, and you’ll need to avoid strenuous activity during this time.

Skin tightening surgery:

Skin tightening surgery is a cosmetic procedure that involves improving the appearance of loose or sagging skin on the face, neck, or body. This procedure is often performed on individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight, or on older individuals who have experienced a loss of skin elasticity due to aging.

There are several different types of skin tightening surgery available, and the specific procedure you choose will depend on the area of the body you want to address. Recovery time can vary, but you should expect to take some time off work to rest and recover.


Liposuction is a procedure that involves removing excess fat from specific areas of the body to create a more sculpted, toned appearance. Liposuction is ideal for individuals who are at a healthy weight but are struggling with stubborn pockets of fat that won’t go away with diet and exercise.

The procedure involves making small incisions in the skin and using a cannula to suction out excess fat. Recovery time is usually a few weeks, during which time you’ll need to avoid strenuous physical activity.

Tummy tuck:

A tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that involves removing excess skin and fat from the abdomen to create a flatter, more toned appearance. This procedure is ideal for individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight or who are unhappy with the appearance of their midsection due to aging or pregnancy.

The procedure involves making an incision across the lower abdomen and removing excess skin and fat. You’ll need to take several weeks off work to rest and recover, and you’ll need to avoid strenuous physical activity during this time.

If you’re considering body contouring surgery for your New Year, New Body goals, there are several different procedures to choose from. Whether you’re interested in breast augmentation, a breast lift, skin tightening surgery, liposuction, or a tummy tuck, each procedure has its own benefits and risks.

It’s important to speak with an experienced cosmetic surgeon to determine which procedure is right for you and to ensure that you’re a good candidate for surgery. With the right procedure and a skilled surgeon by your side, you can achieve the toned, sculpted body you’ve always wanted and start the new year off on the right foot.

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